
Exploring Human Potential

Palliative Care: Connecting The Dots Between Home Care and Hospice

Mike Magee In recent years I have frequently written about and discussed the need for a “parallel build-out” in order to achieve truly preventative care in the United States.(1) This refers to the challenge on the one hand of better managing our current burden of chronic disease in mostly older Americans, while at the same […]

Bill Novelli, C-TAC, and A Fresh Look At Palliative Care

Bill Novelli, professor in the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University, and former CEO of AARP, recently reflected on an article by Atul Gawande, M.D. in the New Yorker (1) on our system of care for Americans with advanced disease. Novelli agreed with Gawande that our system has “utterly failed” on a number of […]

Hospice: Effective and Underutilized

A service that can vastly improve the quality of your final days In a society that puts a heavy emphasis on curative health care — and tends to avoid dealing with death altogether — it’s not surprising that most people have little familiarity with hospice care. This is unfortunate, as hospice can make all the […]

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