
Exploring Human Potential

How Much Should My Hospital Invest in EMRs Today?

"How much do you think my hospital should invest in electronic medical records over the next few years?” This was the question asked of me last week by a CEO of a large Health Care System, who was a member of the American Hospital Association’s Long Range Policy Committee, after I had just shared with […]

“Medical Home” Vision

Too much medical, not enough home As we listen to thought leaders and experts in medical education, public health, chronic disease management, global health and the dual burden of disease, wellness and prevention,  and alternative health, two things are clear. First, change is in the air. Second, our thought processes are converging, even as our […]

Palliative Care

Lighting the way to home-centered health careIn recent years I have frequently written about and discussed the need for a "parallel build-out" in order to achieve truly preventative care in the United States. This refers to the challenge on the one hand of better managing our current burden of chronic disease in mostly older Americans, […]

Home-Centered Health Care Applications

The case of SAILWhen I speak about Home Centered Health Care, I’m frequently asked, "What can we do right now?"  My standard response is: 1. Build teams.2. Include informal family caregivers.3. Get into the home.4. Embrace technology.5. Don’t wait for permission. Case in point, as described in a recent note to me from Ann Alpert […]

Aging at Home

Is our technology up to the task? As we enter into the presidential election season, the nation’s attention will be focused more tightly on our health care future — we hope. If the candidates are up to the challenge, 2008 presents an opportunity to address long-simmering issues. High on their radar screen should be this question: […]

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