
Exploring Human Potential

Palliative Care: Connecting The Dots Between Home Care and Hospice

Mike Magee In recent years I have frequently written about and discussed the need for a “parallel build-out” in order to achieve truly preventative care in the United States.(1) This refers to the challenge on the one hand of better managing our current burden of chronic disease in mostly older Americans, while at the same […]

Home Health Care: Meeting The Patient Half Way.

Mike Magee In a 2013 article in JAMA, Steve Landers laid out the argument for money following the patient. Destination? Home, where family caregivers and others are increasingly doing their best to manage health care complexity. In the article Landers states: “Most older Americans want to age in place. The Medicare home health benefit is […]

Steven Landers MD in JAMA: “Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care.”

“Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care. These include independence at home programs, accountable care organizations, bundled payments, patient-centered medical homes, and readmission reduction initiatives. These approaches incentivize physicians and hospitals to partner with HHAs to avoid unnecessary hospitalization and institutionalization while also avoiding marginal HHA […]

Why Pick Up A Crying Baby?

Rocking Chair Project doctor during home visit. Mike Magee For the past decade, we’ve supported a 501C3 non-profit called the Rocking Chair Project. The effort has partnered with Family Medicine residents around the country who were able to identify economically disadvantaged moms about to give birth, and were willing to do a home visit within […]

Health Professional Collaboration Inside and Outside The Hospital

Mike Magee Ten days ago, my wife and I were blessed with the arrival of our 8th and 9th grandchildren – two little girls, Charlotte and Luca. We were also introduced for the first time, as health consumers, to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The girls came early, at 34 weeks, and are working […]

Why Health Care Is Going Home.

Steven H. Landers MD, MPH Source: NEJM. October 20, 2010. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Buffalo, New York,1 acutely ill patients have been sent out of the emergency department for hospital-like care at home. In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Little Rock, Arkansas, home health agencies provide chronic care management services, emphasizing care coordination and […]

My Opinion: E-Care Is Ethical, Effective, and Economical Care

Eric Dishman I make it a general rule not to discuss Intel’s products in this blog, and in so doing, have erred on the side of rarely even mentioning our Intel® Health Guide. Which also means that I haven’t been able to share what our customers are learning as they adopt e-care (electronic care) or […]

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