
Exploring Human Potential

Testimony to Senate Aging Committee: National e-Care Plan Needed Now

 Eric Dishman This week, almost 6 years to the day of giving similar testimony to the same Senate Special Subcommittee on Aging, I had the opportunity on behalf of theContinua Health Alliance ( to reflect on the persistent barriers that prevent the widespread implementation of telehealth, aging-in-place, and what Continua calls “e-care” (for “electronic care”) technologies. In this […]

Eric Goes To Washington: “Think Big” as We Engage Patients & Families in a Healthcare System for the 21st Century

  Eric Dishman Intel Fellow  Next week is an “Eric Goes to Washington” adventure, where I have the honor of testifying before the Senate Special Committee on Aging about “aging-in-place” technologies and policies. I also have the great opportunity to testify before the Health IT Policy Committee on the use of health IT for patient and family […]

GE Health: On The March

The Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco has come and gone. One element on full display was the progress of GE Health. I’ve been predicting that homes will be the ultimate destination of new diagnostics and that, by 2020, most of what is done in a doctor’s office will be done in the home – […]

Featured Video On Community Telemedicine

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Rebooting America’s Health IT Conversation Part 2: Beyond EHRs

The Obama health care team should consider a wide range of useful, innovative health IT options[By David C. Kibbe & Brian Klepper]    Yesterday we tried to put EHRs into perspective. They’re important, and we can’t effectively move health care forward without them. But they’re only one of many important health IT functions. EHRs and health […]

Rebooting America’s Health IT Conversation Part 1: Put EHRs in Context

To get its health care infrastruction buildout effort right, the Obama team should think more broadly than EHRs [By David C. Kibbe & Brian Klepper]     On December 19th, we published an Open Letter to the Obama Health Team, cautioning the incoming Administration against limiting its Health Information Technology (IT) investments to Electronic Health Records (EHRs). […]

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