
Exploring Human Potential

Message To AAFP 2014 “Winter Cluster”: Connectivity + Mobility = Reach.

Mike Magee The American Academy of Family Physicians convenes its’ “Winter Cluster” today. This is a 3 day opportunity for Family Medicine oriented student and resident representatives from Family Medicine chapters around the U.S. to meet and dialogue with Academy officers and Board members. The intent: To chart the future of Family Medicine. The AAFP […]

mHealth: Who’s Paying, How, and Why?

Mike Magee What will drive health care’s immediate future? In 3 words – Complexity, Connectivity, Consumerism. To be more specific, consumer choice will foster creation and purchase of products that enhance connectivity with the goal of managing multi-generational complexity.(1) We are a mobile society with a high disease burden and an inefficient, inconvenient and expensive […]

American Medical News: Physician smartphone popularity shifts health IT

PAMELA LEWIS DOLAN American Medical News:  amednews staff. Posted Aug. 23, 2010. Doctors’ embrace of such devices puts them at a disconnect with hospitals that rely on desktop-based health technology. With physician smartphone use nearing a saturation point, doctors are in an unfamiliar position when it comes to health information technology — demanding that others […]

“Race To The Top” for Health Care: Could Don Berwick Be Our Arne Duncan?

Mike Magee MD In July, 2009, as the battle remained fully engaged on a legislative fix for health care reform, a very different approach to educational reform was announced in Washington. The United States Department of Education released the draft priorities, requirements, definitions and selection criteria for the $4.35 billion “Race to the Top” grant […]

Will Google Deliver a Killer Health Application?

Will Google deliver a killer health application? Who knows? Neil Versel, of Fierce EMR, weighed in on June 3rd with this post: “Google is denying a report by an industry analyst that it is giving up on its much-hyped but little-used Google Health PHR. ‘The project is alive and well from a staffing perspective,” an […]

“Race to the Top” for Health Care: Who will be our Arne Duncan?

Mike Magee MD In July, 2009, as the battle remained fully engaged on a legislative fix for health care reform, a very different approach to educational reform was announced in Washington. The United States Department of Education released the draft priorities, requirements, definitions and selection criteria for the $4.35 billion “Race to the Top” grant […]

Congressional Hearing: Aging in Place and New Technology

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