
Exploring Human Potential

VA, DOD to expand virtual EHR program

By Alice Lipowicz Apr 06, 2010 The Veterans Affairs and Defense departments intend to expand their Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) pilot program, officials said today. The next series of demonstrations will involve exchange of additional types of data, including lab data, Dr. Steve Ondra, senior policy adviser for health affairs at the VA, said at a Health […]

Changing Our Perspectives on Healthcare Reform

Eric Dishman This has been a hard–occasionally embarrassing and even frightening–time to be an American. The healthcare reform and reconciliation bills have ushered in some of the nastiest political bickering and fear mongering seen in my short lifetime. Our media megaphone that so thrives on conflict, over-simplification, and 24 X 7 soundbites has left us […]

Will doctors and nurses board the GE “healthymagination” train?

Mike Magee (VIDEO here) “How much do you think my hospital should invest in electronic medical records over the next few years?” This was the question asked of me last year by a CEO of a large Health Care System. He was a member of the American Hospital Association’s Long Range Policy Committee. And I […]

Be Engaged, not Entertained, by the National Healthcare Debate

 Eric Dishman I’ve been sneaking in and out of meetings all day to catch snippets of the President’s “Healthcare Summit” (insert flying graphics and dramatic theme music here!) with Congressional members at Blair House. Colleagues in D.C.—some of them in the actual room—have been sending me texts and emails with juicy one-liners from the wit […]

Has Techmanity Become a Major Component of Advanced Health Professionalism?

Here’s the question: Can technology advance compassion, understanding, partnership and professionalism? Parallel studies of large cohorts of patients and their physicians in the late 90’s in the U.S., U.K., Germany, South Africa, Japan and Canada revealed consistent agreement on the primary definers of a successful patient-physician relationship. They were compassion, understanding and partnership. Patients also […]

Let Your Voice Be Heard

The ‘Health Care Idea Generator” — an interesting new concept from American Public MediaI recently received a nice note from Brad Robideau at American Public Media, producer and distributor of public radio programs, including Marketplace. He was alerting me to a great participatory platform they’ve created called the Health Care Idea Generator. According to Brad, […]

Aging at Home

Is our technology up to the task? As we enter into the presidential election season, the nation’s attention will be focused more tightly on our health care future — we hope. If the candidates are up to the challenge, 2008 presents an opportunity to address long-simmering issues. High on their radar screen should be this question: […]

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