
Exploring Human Potential

Does President Obama’s Job Plan Include Health Care?

Mike Magee President Obama just completed announcing his Jobs Plan in the Rose Garden at the White House. It’s already on its way to Congress and focuses on a cut in payroll taxes and “rebuilding schools and blighted neighborhoods, helping local governments pay teachers and firefighters, setting up an ‘infrastructure bank’ to leverage federal loans […]

Why The House of Medicine Needs To Add Nurse Education Funding To Its’ 2011-2012 Legislative Priorities

Mike Magee We will soon add an additional 35 plus million Americans to our health care system with the expectation of improving the overall health, productivity and competitiveness of Americans in the process. Thinking of this challenge in terms of production or provision of services, we are faced with a glaring human resource weakness – […]

Health Care JOBS: New Jobs/New Job Descriptions

As Health Care transforms, experts say they are hiring new health care workers – but not necessarily with the same job descriptions. Freelancer Vickie Elmer reported Sunday in the Washington Post (SOURCE): Maybe you never will work as a nurse or a doctor because you get dizzy each time you see blood. Yet health care looks […]

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