
Exploring Human Potential

My Opinion: E-Care Is Ethical, Effective, and Economical Care

Eric Dishman I make it a general rule not to discuss Intel’s products in this blog, and in so doing, have erred on the side of rarely even mentioning our Intel® Health Guide. Which also means that I haven’t been able to share what our customers are learning as they adopt e-care (electronic care) or […]

Putting The BP Oil Spill Into Context: A Governance Challenge

Mike Magee MD Next week, at the direction of the Commissioner of Health and Human Services, the Institute of Medicine will be convening a two day conference to assess the human health effects of the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. (1) After listening to all the experts, I’ll be moderating a panel exploring […]

“Race to the Top” for Health Care: Who will be our Arne Duncan?

Mike Magee MD In July, 2009, as the battle remained fully engaged on a legislative fix for health care reform, a very different approach to educational reform was announced in Washington. The United States Department of Education released the draft priorities, requirements, definitions and selection criteria for the $4.35 billion “Race to the Top” grant […]

Testimony to Health IT Policy Committee on the use of health IT for patient and family engagement

Eric Dishman  Verbal testimony delivered today in Washington DC: “I am honored to testify today about using health IT to facilitate more patient and family engagement in our own health, wellness, and care. My social science career has spanned almost 20 years of doing R&D of patient engagement technologies. These past 11 years, I have […]

Changing Our Perspectives on Healthcare Reform

Eric Dishman This has been a hard–occasionally embarrassing and even frightening–time to be an American. The healthcare reform and reconciliation bills have ushered in some of the nastiest political bickering and fear mongering seen in my short lifetime. Our media megaphone that so thrives on conflict, over-simplification, and 24 X 7 soundbites has left us […]

After The Failure Of Reform

Brian Klepper and David C. Kibbee The stalemate in the bi-partisan health care summit was cast the moment it was announced. Republicans demanded that the reform process start anew, and Mr. Obama insisted on the Senate bill as the framework going forward. The President may now offer a more modest reform bill that can demonstrate […]

Healthcare Reform: We Can’t Wait For Washington

Eric Dishman “Well, I guess you are done blogging since healthcare reform is dead now?” Ouch! This comment came from a friend–from someone who says he actually likes some of my blogs and is eager for healthcare reform to happen. But I can understand his presumptions. The pages of ink spilled on the speculation about […]

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