
Exploring Human Potential

Accountable Care Organizations (ACO’s) and A Revisit To “Managed Care”

Mike Magee Health Policy expert John Iglehart recently wrote, “One of the few major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with solid bipartisan support establishes a new delivery model: the accountable care organization (ACO). Congress directed the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to develop an ACO program to improve the quality of […]

When It Comes To End-Of-Life Decisions, Which Of These Two Women Do You Trust?

Mike Magee When 2008 GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin came out with her “death panels”, most of us who had worked with and advocated for “Living Wills”, “Advanced Directives” and end-of -life discussions never thought she would be taken seriously, even though there was a past history to this distortion.(1) We thought the governor’s remarks […]

Why The House of Medicine Needs To Add Nurse Education Funding To Its’ 2011-2012 Legislative Priorities

Mike Magee We will soon add an additional 35 plus million Americans to our health care system with the expectation of improving the overall health, productivity and competitiveness of Americans in the process. Thinking of this challenge in terms of production or provision of services, we are faced with a glaring human resource weakness – […]

Toward Accountable Care Organizations: Minding Your Own “Clinical Footprint”.

Eric Dishman If , while reading this blog, you have a medical emergency, please stop reading and dial 911 or go to a nearby emergency room. Because sometimes you just need help from a doctor or other medical professional. But what about all of those other times–that aren’t emergencies–where you aren’t sure you really need […]

2010 World Stem Cell Summit

The 2010 World Stem Cell Summit (October 4-6 in Detroit) will provide critical networking opportunities, insights and resources as stem cell research faces an uncertain future. Though a recent court ruling lifted the August injunction on federal ly-funded embryonic stem cell research, the future of th is promising field remains unclear. Research!America and many other […]

Health Affairs: “Reinventing Primary Care” audiocast

VIDEO RESOURCE Susan Dentzer, Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, moderates this information and expert packed audiocast exploring the future design of primary care in the United States.

“Race To The Top” for Health Care: Could Don Berwick Be Our Arne Duncan?

Mike Magee MD In July, 2009, as the battle remained fully engaged on a legislative fix for health care reform, a very different approach to educational reform was announced in Washington. The United States Department of Education released the draft priorities, requirements, definitions and selection criteria for the $4.35 billion “Race to the Top” grant […]

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