
Exploring Human Potential

Academic Medicine – What’s To Become of the Triple Mission Under Universal Health Care?

    Hopkins Alumni Careers 1980-2012. Mike Magee   A New York Times banner headline in 2016 read, “Harnessing the U.S. Taxpayer to Fight Cancer and Make Profits”. It documented the unusual partnership between Kite Pharma, a cancer immunotherapy start-up run by serial entrepreneur, Arie Nelldegrun, and the U.S. government. The underlying immunotherapy research was the […]

Why Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Matters: Transparency and Health.

  Mike Magee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to avoid the transparency that was assured by the Freedom of Information Act should be of concern to all Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike. If this is true for the general public, it goes doubly for anyone concerned with improving the health of our […]

Deconstructing Great Science and Technology Videos: 3 NYT Offerings.

Mike Magee This morning I was sipping my coffee as I reviewed the latest news in the New York Times on my iPad. And, of course, the Top News was depressing – ISIS, Ray Rice, Ebola and so on. So I found my way to the video section and looked around a bit. I ended […]

“Medical-Industrial Complex” Feels The Summer Heat

Mike Magee It’s been quite a week for the “Medical-Industrial Complex”. This interwoven series of governmental, non-profit, academic and corporate relationships rivals the countries “Military-Industrial Complex” in its relentless consumption of America’s human treasures and financial capital, its’ non-transparency, its’ capacity to resist reform in an orderly and responsible manner, and its’ wide range of […]

Eli Ginzberg in 1990: What Will Physicians Need To Function In The Future?

“They will need to hone problem solving abilities and understand the role of uncertainty in medical decision making; to gain access to, and to use effectively, the ever larger pool of medical information, which means acquiring computer literacy; to talk to patients and even more important, learn to listen; to develop a greater understanding of […]

When Patients Know More Than You Do: The Case For Knowledge Exchange.

Mike Magee The patient-physician relationship is a powerful source of social capital in the U.S. and around the world. In surveys of thousands of doctors and patients between 1998 and 2002, the relationship was viewed as second in importance only to family relationships and far outstripped relationships with religious leaders, employers, and a host of […]

Sending Health Consumers To Medical School: The Key To Efficient, Effective, High Quality Health.

Mike Magee Central to the ongoing debate over the “fiscal cliff” in the United States has been a discussion of the nation’s expanding debt crisis tied mainly to long term commitments to Medicare and Social Security. Of the two, all agree that Medicare commitments, compounded by an aging population, pose the most immediate threat. However, […]

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