
Exploring Human Potential

The Silver Lining

Brian Klepper and David C. Kibbe Massachusett’s voters’ stunning rejection of Democrat Martha Coakley, in favor of a not-very-impressive Scott Brown, should be exactly the splash of cold water that the Democratic party – and Congress as a whole – needed. The defeat can be understood in two ways: one large and one fairly small. […]

A Foundation For The House Of Medicine

Paul S. Auerbach MD When you build a house, you begin with the foundation. The same holds true for the U.S. health care system. The President and Congress are scrambling to put up a reform structure that would have a better chance to succeed if the cinderblocks and joists were in place. No health care […]

Express Yourself!

“Open Forum” is a place for diverse discussionsHealth Commentary features a variety of channels devoted to special health topics — from aging and caregiving to diet and nutrition. But we know that sometimes the topic you want to discuss doesn’t fit neatly into one of those categories. That’s why we created Open Forum — where […]

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