
Exploring Human Potential

Doctors in the Top 5% – Not The Top 1% by Income. Oh, and Canadian doctors make more than U.S. doctors.

Source What are the average 2017 earnings of U.S. doctors? Primary Care – $217,000  Specialties – $316,000 What is the salary span for doctors by specialty? Pediatricians make the least ($202,000), Orthopedists the most ($489,000). How much have salaries grown in the last six years? 43%, from an average $206,000 in 2011 to an average […]

Note to AAMC: If You Oppose Anti-Immigrant Trump/Bannon, You Must Oppose Anti-Immigrant Tom Price

Mike Magee   The AMA and AAMC two months ago offered a full throated endorsement of primo anti-immigrant Tom Price to lead HHS. But this weekend’s radical actions by Price’s potential boss, Donald Trump and his chief political adviser and National Security Council member, Stephen Bannon, apparently was a bridge to far. AAMC CEO went […]

House of Medicine Mute On Ban of Muslim Physicians and Scientists

Yesterday U.S. Airports went into a virtual shut down in response to the Trump order to block all entry into the U.S. from seven predominantly Muslim nations. The response from Silicon Valley was immediate and led by Tim Cook of Apple who said: Team, In my conversations with officials here in Washington this week, I’ve […]

Health Manpower Planning In “A Zero Marginal Cost” Economy.

Mike Magee This week an economist with rose colored glasses suggested that there were two reasons for extreme optimism toward the United States economy, even as Putin goes out on an economic limb to assume the liability of his old Soviet partners. The first positive is our well publicized movement toward energy independence, with the […]

The New Healthcare Workforce: Will Form Follow Function?

Mike Magee In the November 21, 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, the lead article asks, “Are We in a Medical Education Bubble?”(1)  In the article, the authors explain that “ Bubble markets are created when an asset trades for increasingly higher prices as it is bought by people who are hopeful […]

Competitor Analysis: The Future of Primary Care

Mike Magee Most would now agree that we are approaching a fundamental disconnect in two health delivery trend lines. They are: 1) the growing need and demand for services fueled by our aging population and 2) a growing shortage of primary care health professionals. Where opinions diverge is how to address this growing problem in […]

Do We Really Need More Physicians?

Mike Magee President Obama’s Affordable Care Act arguably signaled that the status quo in health delivery was no longer acceptable. This was not the result of politics or a desire for social engineering, but a reflection of changing dynamic forces reshaping an out-of-date sector. The three key trends that outpaced our delivery system were an […]

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