
Exploring Human Potential

After 40 Years, Patients Still Crave Attention and Respect

Guest Blog | Barbara Ficarra September 13, 2009 | Patient Advocacy The Doctor/Patient Relationship What do patients want? Despite the technological promises of the Health 2.0 movement, in some ways it’s really no different today than it was forty years ago. An article that appeared in Time Magazine on May 13, 1966 says: “Today, Americans […]

Rebooting America’s Health IT Conversation Part 1: Put EHRs in Context

To get its health care infrastruction buildout effort right, the Obama team should think more broadly than EHRs [By David C. Kibbe & Brian Klepper]     On December 19th, we published an Open Letter to the Obama Health Team, cautioning the incoming Administration against limiting its Health Information Technology (IT) investments to Electronic Health Records (EHRs). […]

An Impending Hanging

Will Health 2.0 be compromised by the economic downturn? Nothing focuses the mind like an impending hanging. — Samuel Johnson I’ve been preparing for tomorrow’s 3rd Health 2.0 conference in San Francisco, where I’ll join my pals Matthew, Indu Subaiya, Jane Sarasohn-Kahn and Michael Millenson amid a Who’s-Who cast of health industry luminaries. I spent […]

Knowledge Like Clear, Clean Water

The Chief Knowledge Officer of Britain’s National Health Service, Sir Muir Gray, on Health Care’s ProgressOver the last year or so, I’ve written a lot about how health care information will become increasingly available to consumers and health care business, and how this access will drive new decision-support capabilities that will profoundly change how health […]

The Myth of Health Care Consumerism

Most consumers may not be as eager for information as we’ve thought they are Last weekend I heard several great presentations at a meeting convened by Jeff Goldsmith, but one contained a point I hadn’t heard nailed down before. Kaveh Safavi MD JD, from Thomson Healthcare’s Center for Healthcare Improvement, detailed the results of several […]

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