
Exploring Human Potential

What Leads To 20,000+ Deaths per Year in American Kids? Autos + Guns = 35%


Giving Thanks: Medicine vs. the NRA

Mike Magee This Thanksgiving, I send a special “thank you” to physicians nationwide who refused to buckle to the NRA’s demand that they “stay in their lane”, and stood up for kids across America. There can be little debate that gun violence is a serious health risk, and that the NRA is enabler in chief. […]

Status Report – 27 Months After Newtown.

Mike Magee December 14, 2012 seems a long time ago – 27 months ago tomorrow. That is when 20 young souls, age 6 and 7, were shot down in Newton, CT. Two days after the tragedy, I wrote: “Did we as a nation do all that was possible to avoid the disaster in Newtown, CT? […]

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