
Exploring Human Potential

Tiny Tim Health Care

Dickens’ Christmas Carol carries a health care message for all of us Every year at this time, millions of Americans turn their attention to a much-beloved story about health care reform. I refer, of course, to Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. While this is not the traditional plot summary, it aptly describes a story rooted […]

Bad Medicine

How the AMA undermined primary care in America On last Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal website, Dr. Benjamin Brewer describes physicians’ reactions to the 10.1% cut in Medicare physician payments that will take effect January 1. He argues that the onus will fall, once again, disproportionately on primary care physicians, who are already losing the struggle […]

Our Quality Chasm

There is a lot to be said about quality today. It’s a term we hear in almost any conversation about healthcare, and as much as it’s used, it is misunderstood. Ask most any physician or hospital leader and they will tell you that we have, without question, the best quality healthcare in the world. But […]

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