
Exploring Human Potential

Death by Environment: The Boomerang Effect of Poor Environmental Policy

Source:IndexMundi  Mike Magee The WHO released a report this week that suggested that nearly 1/4 of all human mortality (22.4%) in 2012 was secondary to unhealthy environments. We have known for some time that planetary health has an important impact on human health. It effects not only the quantity of years an average planetary citizen […]

State of The World’s Mothers Report: A “Save The Children” Study Released

Save the Children’s State of the World’s Mothers Report freflects on the United States investment of  one half of 1 percent of the federal budget fighting global poverty. Explore the report’s rankings of the world’s best and worst places to be a mother and essays by prominent contributors for yourself.

Telemedicine To Have A Role In Haiti

I wanted to update you on our mission and our anticipated date of deployment of tomorrow, 11 February 2010. Perhaps the most exciting news is that our telemedicine / tele-behavioral health mission has been elevated to the level of White House interest. The National Operations Center of the …US Department of Homeland Security (NOC-DHS) has […]

Medical Societies Embrace Water As Their Issue

On April 28th, I will be visiting the Massachusetts Medical Society and its Committee on Global Medicine & Environmental and Occupational Health. They are sponsoring the opening of my "Drops of Life" tour.1 Over the next two years, I will be visiting health organizations and universities with a dynamic, big screen, one-hour journey through the […]

Exporting the U.S. Diet

A bad deal for developing nationsEver heard of the “dual burden of disease”? The idea is that  infectious diseases from the developing world (as a byproduct of poverty, famine, lack of access to clean, safe water and forced migration tied to warfare) are intermingling with chronic diseases from the developed world (as a result of […]

Tobacco Goes Global

A cloud over planet earth When it comes to tobacco, the facts make their own case. This is true locally, as with the numbers on second-hand smoke induced disease, which have pushed most of the US indoor public space to go "smoke-free." It is also true globally. Here are a few facts: 1. There are 1.3 […]


We could mostly end global malnutrition with a simple, ready-to-use food The NY Times has an important op-ed today by Susan Shepherd, a pediatrician and medical advisor to Doctors Without Borders. The core of her message is that as the farm bill progresses through Congress, we should focus not only on the quantity of food […]

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