
Exploring Human Potential

“Virtual Water”: Water For Food

Mike Magee Most US health professionals understand by now that the average American diet is seriously out of wack. Both in quantity and quality we’re way off the mark. And the direct results are soaring levels of childhood obesity in the young and an ever expanding burden of chronic disease in adults. And US based […]

Fat Chemistry

A quick history of trans fatsWith all the talk about the nation’s obesity epidemic in recent years, we have been bombarded with information about fat content in food. But it’s not always easy to sort out the so-called “good” fat from the “bad.” In this week’s video, embedded with this blog, I offer a basic […]

Food Safety and Irradiation

The radura label Food-borne safety is front and center once again in America, spawning a boom in home-grown foods and "green" or "organic" alternatives. At the same time, we seem to be losing confidence in an inadequately funded FDA to police food at its source and manage the safety of the increasingly complex global food […]

FDA Taking a Stand on “Natural” Label Claims?

New ruling on high fructose corn syrup is a first step — and industry has responded This week, the FDA decided to (sort of) take a stand on the use of the word “natural” in processed foods. First, some background. Many food products are labeled with the claim “natural,” but it has been problematic. There […]


We could mostly end global malnutrition with a simple, ready-to-use food The NY Times has an important op-ed today by Susan Shepherd, a pediatrician and medical advisor to Doctors Without Borders. The core of her message is that as the farm bill progresses through Congress, we should focus not only on the quantity of food […]

Can Good Nutrition Sell?

A look at the “Guiding Stars” rating system There’s a lot of turmoil in the food and beverage industry these days – particularly in fast foods – as brands scramble to understand the changing wants and needs of consumers. One of the driving forces at work is a new consumer consciousness about nutritional value in […]

Going Under the Knife to Lose Weight

What you don’t know about bariatric surgery can hurt you “Obesity is an epidemic!” That’s what we’ve all heard. And the facts are convincing. Our collective Body Mass Index (BMI – which factors in weight and height, and is normally 20 to 25) is growing too fast. The percentage of Americans with a BMI over […]

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