
Exploring Human Potential

The Day I Took My Doctor Dad Gambling.

My Dad and I Gambling (1995) Mike Magee Over the years, I’ve pretty much seen all sides of health care – doctors, nurses, managers, their families, their patients; unborn, born, young, not so young, old, really old; dying at birth, dying from trauma, dying from burns, dying from infection, dying from chronic disease, dying from […]

Aging Males and Gratitude.

Mike Magee The Boomer wave has arrived. And with it are literally millions of men and women transitioning from a structured workplace existence to a home based environment. For a large portion of the males, this is their first intense exposure to little ones and the day-to-day routine of family life. They were preoccupied in […]

Demographic Crush Predicted To Overwhelm Family Caregivers.

Resource Paper:  HERE SUMMARY: “The Aging of the Baby Boom and the Growing Care Gap: A Look at Future Declines in the Availability of Family Caregivers Donald Redfoot, Lynn Feinberg, and Ari Houser AARP Public Policy Institute “This paper uses a “caregiver support ratio,” which is the number of potential caregivers aged 45–64 for each […]

Rebuilding The Medical Home: What Walgreens Surely Sees

Walgreen’s purchase of two worksite clinic companies could be the most important health care development in recent years Though it probably went mostly unnoticed in the cacophony of health care stories, last week’s news that Walgreen’s had bought the two largest and most well-established worksite clinic firms, iTrax and Whole Health Management, was a harbinger […]

An Alternative Plan

Some closing thoughts about Families USA Health Action 2008 A wonderful meeting (Full disclosure: They brought me in to blog my impressions.), The Families USA conference that ended Saturday brought together some impressive Congressional politicians – Nancy Pelosi, Tom Daschle, Ken Salazar, Blanche Lincoln – and true health care experts – Don Berwick, Tony Fauci […]

Multi-Generational Families and USA Today

My good friend Gail Hunt, a pioneer in the caregiver movement and president of the National Alliance for Caregiving, has been approached by USA Today. The paper wants to speak to four-generation caregiving families, preferably living in the same household, with elderly relatives who need help with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). If you have suggestions, […]

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