
Exploring Human Potential

Cleveland Clinic Weighs In On New Hypertension Guidelines.

This seems to be the season for treatment guidelines. First cholesterol and statins, now hypertension. Once again, the recommendations have created some clarity, but also confusion. To assist all in making sense of this latest directive, see below the insights of one of the nation’s premier cardiovascular centers of excellence, The Cleveland Clinic. SOURCE: CLEVELAND […]

JAMA Exclusive Addresses “Statinization”.

JAMA Early Release: More Than a Billion People Taking Statins? Potential Implications of the New Cardiovascular Guidelines John P. A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc1,2 Published online December 02, 2013. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.284657 “The ACC and the AHA are among the most experienced organizations in medicine that develop guidelines. Their processes are meticulous, including transparent reporting of conflicts. The work behind […]

JAMA Early Release – “Guideline Panels Should Rarely Formulate Strong Recommendations”.

The Optimal Practice of Evidence-Based Medicine Incorporating Patient Preferences in Practice Guidelines FREE ONLINE FIRST Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc1,2,3; Juan Pablo Brito, MBBS1,2,3; M. Hassan Murad, MD, MPH1,2,3 “Guideline panelists must recognize, with humility, the challenges they face in working often without access to informed patient preferences and acknowledge that their recommendations should rarely assume uniform patient values and contexts in […]

Low Fat Milk And The Shifting Winds of Evidence Based Medicine.

Mike Magee Reversals in medical science are not uncommon. As new evidence emerges, old tenets are easily discharged, and new “pillars of truth” adopted. It’s a necessary process, but confusing both for those who deliver care and those who receive it. Nutritional science is a perfect example of the phenomenon. Back in 1995, excess fat […]

The New Science of Vascular Disease

Science has given us a new understanding of how cardio-metabolic disease works Note by Brian Klepper: Here’s an important new column about vascular disease by my good friend Dr. Bestermann…By William H. Bestermann M.D. Vascular disease and the conditions that produce arterial problems consume roughly one- third to one-half of the $2 trillion annual spend […]

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