
Exploring Human Potential

Remembering Robert Butler: A Wake-Up Call

Eric Dishman Sometimes the death of someone you care about can be a slap in the face to take perspective on your own problems in life and to keep living that life to its fullest. When I saw last night on the news (see the New York Times write-up here) that Dr. Robert Butler, arguably the […]

Testimony to Senate Aging Committee: National e-Care Plan Needed Now

 Eric Dishman This week, almost 6 years to the day of giving similar testimony to the same Senate Special Subcommittee on Aging, I had the opportunity on behalf of theContinua Health Alliance ( to reflect on the persistent barriers that prevent the widespread implementation of telehealth, aging-in-place, and what Continua calls “e-care” (for “electronic care”) technologies. In this […]

Testimony to Health IT Policy Committee on the use of health IT for patient and family engagement

Eric Dishman  Verbal testimony delivered today in Washington DC: “I am honored to testify today about using health IT to facilitate more patient and family engagement in our own health, wellness, and care. My social science career has spanned almost 20 years of doing R&D of patient engagement technologies. These past 11 years, I have […]

Home Based Health Leaders, Unite!

Eric Dishman I like to think of myself as being a lot like George Clooney. Okay, okay, more like Ryan Bingham, the airport- and airmile-addicted character he plays in the recent movie, Up in the Air. (Except I don’t have his good looks, frequent romantic liaisons with strangers, or a job downsizing other people…other than that, […]

Healthcare Reform: Too Big To Fail

Eric Dishman           Rumors of the demise of healthcare reform have been greatly exaggerated. After Scott Brown’s upset victory for the Massachusetts Senate seat, the news media and blogosphere are abuzz. Ah, folks, we have ourselves an official media frenzy! Let the hyperbole begin: “The world has changed,” “Everything is different […]

Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform August 26, 2009 Doctors (and Nurses) Without Borders: Rethinking Licensure by Eric Dishman, August 25, 2009 Sometimes emergencies teach us things about how the world should be even in normal times. On August 28th, 2005, a dear friend called me in a panic. He had been rushed to Mississippi as part of […]

Eric Dishman

Eric Dishman Intel Fellow; Director of Health Innovation and Policy Intel Corporation Eric Dishman is an Intel Fellow and director of Health Innovation and Policy for Intel’s Digital Health Group, which he helped launch in 1999. He founded the Product Research and Innovation team responsible for driving Intel’s worldwide healthcare research, new product innovation, strategic […]

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