
Exploring Human Potential

VA, DOD to expand virtual EHR program

By Alice Lipowicz Apr 06, 2010 The Veterans Affairs and Defense departments intend to expand their Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) pilot program, officials said today. The next series of demonstrations will involve exchange of additional types of data, including lab data, Dr. Steve Ondra, senior policy adviser for health affairs at the VA, said at a Health […]

Consumer Health Information Entrepreneurs: On The Move

Health information entrepreneurs are moving forward on the consumer side, with or without US health reform. As the video below demonstrates, they are looking birth to death, and see the advantages of multi-generational family promotion. Here’s the promo on a Toronto, Canada based firm marketing to the US patient: (Video – press here) About Us […]

Will doctors and nurses board the GE “healthymagination” train?

Mike Magee (VIDEO here) “How much do you think my hospital should invest in electronic medical records over the next few years?” This was the question asked of me last year by a CEO of a large Health Care System. He was a member of the American Hospital Association’s Long Range Policy Committee. And I […]

Rebooting America’s Health IT Conversation Part 2: Beyond EHRs

The Obama health care team should consider a wide range of useful, innovative health IT options[By David C. Kibbe & Brian Klepper]    Yesterday we tried to put EHRs into perspective. They’re important, and we can’t effectively move health care forward without them. But they’re only one of many important health IT functions. EHRs and health […]

Rebooting America’s Health IT Conversation Part 1: Put EHRs in Context

To get its health care infrastruction buildout effort right, the Obama team should think more broadly than EHRs [By David C. Kibbe & Brian Klepper]     On December 19th, we published an Open Letter to the Obama Health Team, cautioning the incoming Administration against limiting its Health Information Technology (IT) investments to Electronic Health Records (EHRs). […]

Fact or Fiction: Electronic health records save money

The jury’s still out on whether EHRs reduce cost, but it appears they enhance value. Note by Brian Klepper: Today the actuarial consulting firm Milliman is convening a town hall meeting in Seattle focused generally on health care reform, but specifically on Electronic Health Records (EHRs). The larger Seattle metropolitan area is a hotbed of […]

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