
Exploring Human Potential

Airplane Medical Care: Could You Survive?

Mike Magee We are a globe trotting, increasingly mobile human population. And when we are traveling any sort of distance, especially if it involves crossing oceans, most of us travel by commercial airlines. In fact there were 2.75 billion passenger flights booked last year. That translates into nearly 10 billion passenger hours in the air. […]

Heads Up To Soccer Moms!

Mike Magee Concussions and brain injury associated with football – no news there! Unless, of course, we’re talking about English football or soccer. A study released this week is setting off alarm bells in communities across the US where recreational and competitive soccer now involves more kids then all other sports combined. The study retrospectively […]

Bullying: A Double-Edged Sword

The suicide death of a young girl, Phoebe Prince, tortured by high school tormentors, reminds us that bullying is alive and well across America. The  American Medical Association Alliance, over 10 years ago created SAVE, Stop America’s Violence Everywhere. This grassroots program addressed many forms of violence over the years, but especially identified one problem […]

Outdoor Medicine

Hospitalito Atitlan I’m delighted to be able to contribute to Health Commentary by sharing some of my important posts from my blog at Healthline entitled "Medicine for the Outdoors," which can be reached by visiting Healthline. I recently completed a week working at the Hospitalito Atitlan in Santiago, Atitlan, state of Solola in the highlands of […]

Tiny Tim Health Care

Dickens’ Christmas Carol carries a health care message for all of us Every year at this time, millions of Americans turn their attention to a much-beloved story about health care reform. I refer, of course, to Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. While this is not the traditional plot summary, it aptly describes a story rooted […]

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