
Exploring Human Potential

National Healthcare Decisions Day Is Here – Act Today!

Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day.  I have had a talk about advance care planning with my loved ones.  Have you?  Free information, forms, tools, and an incredible video are at: Do it today.

Slaying The “Death Panel” Bull: Taking Control of Your End-of-Life Decisions

Mike Magee This Saturday, April 16, 2011 is National Healthcare Decisions Day – a day set aside to encourage families throughout America to discuss with each other how much care and what kind of care they would like as they approach the end of their lives.(1)  Why advanced planning? Because there is a good chance […]

National Healthcare Decisions Day Set for April 16, 2011

Join Americans across the country in making their future healthcare decisions known to family, friends, and healthcare providers.   Share your wishes and complete your advance directive, because…YOUR DECISIONS MATTER.  Learn more about National Healthcare Decisions Day and get free information at

The Hype and The Hope of “mHealth”

Eric Dishman Another day, another flyer arrives for a seminar on “mHealth.” One that showed up in my mailbox this week is typical: high-gloss images of mobile phones and heart signals, celebratory claims about how all of this will “revolutionize” healthcare, and liberal use of the words “innovation” and “transformation” in almost every keynote title. […]

Should New York State’s Medical Society Oppose Mandated End-Of-Life Discussions With Patients?

Mike Magee Nearly 30 years ago, when the consumer health movement began in earnest, health professionals responded with extreme caution, concerned that their authority and control over patients and the health care system would ultimately be challenged. To the credit of most doctors, nurses and health care leaders, caregivers have evolved, accepting that the best […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 13

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders Day 9. […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 12

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders Day 9. […]

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