
Exploring Human Potential

What I Didn’t Know About Different Colored Eyes

So I opened the Sports section of The New York Times one day last week, and in the bottom right corner was an article titled “Detour on the Scott Boras Express.” Scott Boras is deemed the “most powerful agent in baseball,” but what caught my eye wasn’t the text but the accompanying photo of one of Mr. […]

Protect Children By Vaccinating Them

With the development of vaccines, many diseases have become extremely rare in the United States. Did you know there are now 13 vaccine-preventable diseases? And the number of children who contract these diseases is down 99% since the 1970s. Those numbers are remarkable. But still, as you’ll see in this week’s Health Politics program, some […]

Bloomberg Takes On Health Care

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of moderating a panel at the National Health Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. At this annual event jointly sponsored by AcademyHealth and Health Affairs, our panel focused on the current status of technology in health delivery systems. The topic and the excellent presentations by the panelists — Shannah […]

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