
Exploring Human Potential

Should New York State’s Medical Society Oppose Mandated End-Of-Life Discussions With Patients?

Mike Magee Nearly 30 years ago, when the consumer health movement began in earnest, health professionals responded with extreme caution, concerned that their authority and control over patients and the health care system would ultimately be challenged. To the credit of most doctors, nurses and health care leaders, caregivers have evolved, accepting that the best […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 14

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar: Final Day Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 13

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders Day 9. […]

What would YOU do?

Some cancer patients choose not to pursue treatment to prolong lifeAnyone facing a potentially terminal illness has confronted the questions of what to do when treatment appears to be failing. Is it best to fight for life until the end — or, as some patients do, does it make more sense to experience the final […]

Caring for the Critically Ill — Not a Job Description for Politicians

Dr. Chris Johnson, former director of Mayo Clinic’s pediatric ICU, has written an important book. It was published by New Horizon Press and is titled “Your Critically Ill Child: Life and Death Choices Parents Must Face.” Chris makes the case for personalizing care, informed mutual decision making and trusting America’s families to make the right […]

Getting Serious About Injuries

Education and changes in behavior can help with prevention As you’ll see in this week’s Health Politics program, injury is the number one killer of Americans under the age of 45. At first, that might seem confusing because many think of injuries as sprained ankles during sports or broken bones from falling off a bike — […]

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