
Exploring Human Potential

Cigarette Smoking – How Are We Doing? 10 Facts You Should Know.

Mike Magee For the past half century, ground zero on the American battle with chronic disease has been cigarette smoking.(1)  It’s a success story with lessons that are transferable to our larger preventive health struggles. From tobacco we have learned that: knowledge is power; opponents who profit will not give up without a fight; advertising […]

FDA Goes Graphic With Cigarette Pack Warnings

New Ads on packs of cigarettes released by FDA today. View HERE.

How Healthy Is Your State And Our Nation?

Mike Magee The wire release of America’s Health Rankings®, a state by state assessment compiled by the American Public Health Association and supported by the United HealthCare Foundation, summed it up this way: “Overall Healthiness Slightly Improved, but Obesity, Children in Poverty, and Diabetes Worrisome for States’ Health….reductions in smoking, preventable hospitalizations and infectious disease […]

Why Public Housing Units Should Be Smoke Free.

Mike Magee The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) oversees the housing of 7 million Americans in public multi-housing units. 40% of these units are occupied by families with children. These homes fall under the local jurisdiction of some 3500 Public Housing Authorities nationwide. The mean annual income of households in public housing is […]

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