
Exploring Human Potential

School Lunches

A smart destination for stimulus funding As the stimulus package has rolled out, I’ve been trying to think creatively. Where might we get the biggest bang for our buck?  We want to create lasting infrastructure, jobs, and savings- long and short term. We want smart integrated solutions, close to home, right here on Main Street. […]

Rebuilding The Medical Home: What Walgreens Surely Sees

Walgreen’s purchase of two worksite clinic companies could be the most important health care development in recent years Though it probably went mostly unnoticed in the cacophony of health care stories, last week’s news that Walgreen’s had bought the two largest and most well-established worksite clinic firms, iTrax and Whole Health Management, was a harbinger […]

Taxes, Health Care and S-CHIP Funding

How much does it cost to run a society? By Mike Magee If you were following the news this fall, you saw an intense battle over future of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, or S-CHIP for short. At the center of the debate was whether to continue and possibly expand this program — which […]

Childhood Mortality

Common misperceptionsIf I were to ask you what the top killer of young children around the world is, what would you say? Many of you might say HIV-AIDS. And you wouldn’t be alone. A recent survey of 1,025 American adults found that 42 percent believed HIV-AIDS to be the top killer. The truth? It was responsible […]

Should HPV Vaccines Be Mandatory?

In a recent Health Politics piece, I reviewed the facts on the new vaccine for the HPV virus. Following that airing, the governor of Texas moved to make the three-shot vaccination mandatory for adolescent girls in the state. A large public debate ensued, which drew in legislators, school officials, public health professionals and parents — […]

Protect Children By Vaccinating Them

With the development of vaccines, many diseases have become extremely rare in the United States. Did you know there are now 13 vaccine-preventable diseases? And the number of children who contract these diseases is down 99% since the 1970s. Those numbers are remarkable. But still, as you’ll see in this week’s Health Politics program, some […]

HPV Vaccine and the Recent JAMA Study: Knowing the Numbers

The recent study on Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) prevalence in U.S. women (published in the Feb. 28 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association) added fuel to the fire in the debate over whether states should mandate the vaccine for middle-school-aged girls. The numbers were dramatic — the overall HPV prevalence among U.S. […]

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