
Exploring Human Potential

ProPublica Has Mapped 97 Immigrant Children Retention Sites – Please Help!

ProPublica has established an open source registry to identify and map all immigrant children retention sites. So far, 97 sites all over the US have been verified. The Trump administration says there are only 2,300 children out there. But the Walmart site in Texas has 1,450 alone. If you are caring for immigrant children in […]

Grandparents Should Be Playful.

Mike Magee These are our 9 grandchildren. And this is my baseball glove from when I was a little leaguer. What’s the connection. Well it’s this memory of my grandfather having a catch with me one day in my back yard. A playful memory. Maybe I remember it because it was such a rare occurrence. […]

The Simplest Bully Curriculum Ever: “One”

I’ve written many times on … “bullying” – the studies, statistics, curricula. But it took the children’s book above – which has won every major award imaginable – to crystallize what an effective health campaign might be for combating bullying. The Keys:  Early childhood intervention, exposure, knowledge, courage,  inclusion (for everyone – including the bully), […]

Thank You, Jamie Oliver!

Meredith Magee Donnelly As an early childhood educator I learned that nutrition and education go hand in hand.  Too often children are labeled as ADHD or a behavioral problem without first looking at their diets.  During one of my summer breaks I researched the effects food additives and dyes have on the behavior of children […]

Bullying: A Double-Edged Sword

The suicide death of a young girl, Phoebe Prince, tortured by high school tormentors, reminds us that bullying is alive and well across America. The  American Medical Association Alliance, over 10 years ago created SAVE, Stop America’s Violence Everywhere. This grassroots program addressed many forms of violence over the years, but especially identified one problem […]

Childhood Vaccinations and Back to School

Now is a good time to sort out the facts Kids will be starting school soon, and for parents of brand new students, that means taking a look at your child’s immunization record. What’s the big-picture connection between immunizations and school? By requiring all new public school students to have up-to-date vaccinations, we’ve reached the […]

Rock and Hold

The surprising impact of the Rocking Chair Project By Mike Magee Seven years ago, on the birth of our first grandchild, Anabella, Trish and I gave our son, Michael, and his wife Susanna a glider rocking chair. It had such a comforting and nurturing effect on both the child and her parents, that we made […]

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