
Exploring Human Potential

Home-Centered Health Care Applications

The case of SAILWhen I speak about Home Centered Health Care, I’m frequently asked, "What can we do right now?"  My standard response is: 1. Build teams.2. Include informal family caregivers.3. Get into the home.4. Embrace technology.5. Don’t wait for permission. Case in point, as described in a recent note to me from Ann Alpert […]

The Costs for Family Caregivers Continues to Rise

Doing the right thing is an expensive proposition In the United States nearly a quarter of our multi-generational families have a family member working in a job that they never trained for, never asked for, and have never been paid for. That job is the informal family caregiver.  It is estimated that there are 34 […]

Aging at Home

Is our technology up to the task? As we enter into the presidential election season, the nation’s attention will be focused more tightly on our health care future — we hope. If the candidates are up to the challenge, 2008 presents an opportunity to address long-simmering issues. High on their radar screen should be this question: […]

Hospice: Effective and Underutilized

A service that can vastly improve the quality of your final days In a society that puts a heavy emphasis on curative health care — and tends to avoid dealing with death altogether — it’s not surprising that most people have little familiarity with hospice care. This is unfortunate, as hospice can make all the […]

Alzheimer’s: On the rise

With longer lifespans, more of us will face this diagnosisAlzheimer’s Disease is a major issue looming before the United States health care system. This video from the Alzheimer’s Association offers insights into what has become a serious problem as more and more families encounter this disease. Do you have a personal story to share about […]

Coping with Caregiving

Practical advice on becoming a caregiver This video from the Christopher Reeve Foundation offers insights from actual caregivers into the challenges they face. Many families are caught completely off guard by the need to offer some level of caregiving to a loved one. Spinal cord injuries or sudden illnesses may come without warning. How do […]

The realities of caregiving

A life’s work in helping caregivers cope Suzanne Mintz of the National Family Caregivers Association, recipient of a 2006 Civic Ventures Purpose Prize, discusses her work as an advocate for the needs of caregivers.   See Also Suzanne Mintz comments

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