
Exploring Human Potential

The Day I Took My Doctor Dad Gambling.

My Dad and I Gambling (1995) Mike Magee Over the years, I’ve pretty much seen all sides of health care – doctors, nurses, managers, their families, their patients; unborn, born, young, not so young, old, really old; dying at birth, dying from trauma, dying from burns, dying from infection, dying from chronic disease, dying from […]

Mothers Lives Matter

Mike Magee Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 12th. How do I know? Because Trish has mentioned it two or three times in the past week. This is one of the many patterns that have evolved over 43 years of marriage that have helped our family – me, our children, and now their families – […]

Intergenerational Caring: When Caring Flows Up, Learnings Flow Down.

Mike Magee This afternoon I’ll be flying to Seattle to deliver a keynote tomorrow to the American Academy of Home Care Physicians at The American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting. One of my messages will be to “reconnect the American family”. By that I mean to encourage multigenerational mutual caring, learning, and committment. Stated another way, […]

Why Health Care Is Going Home.

Steven H. Landers MD, MPH Source: NEJM. October 20, 2010. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Buffalo, New York,1 acutely ill patients have been sent out of the emergency department for hospital-like care at home. In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Little Rock, Arkansas, home health agencies provide chronic care management services, emphasizing care coordination and […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 5

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers (Press Here) Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders […]

Long-Distance Caregiving

Colliding mega-trends are increasingly pitting family loyalties against workplace loyalties. As the U.S. population has aged, families have become more mobile, separated by distance, and occupied by work demands. Large numbers of women have entered the workplace and global competitiveness has placed increasing emphasis on worker retention and productivity. Thus, family caregiving from a distance […]

Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream

Don’t forget palliative careAs populations age in the United States, chronic illnesses create an uncertain medical future. By 2030, a fifth of the U.S. population will be over 65, and many will face the challenges of managing one or more chronic illnesses for a significant number of years, including physical and psychological distress, functional dependency […]

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