
Exploring Human Potential

Sunny Days

Mike Magee So here’s my back yard with 9 days left in March. But I choose not to focus on the snow, but rather the sun – which is shinning today, and will soon lead to a short New England spring and a beautiful New England summer. But the sunny season for many has come […]

CDC – All Colon Screening Tests Are Not Created Equal.

Mike Magee The CDC made news this week with the latest statistics on colon cancer in the US. (1) They hit the facts but missed the point. First the good news: Colon cancer declined significantly from 2003 to 2007. Deaths declined in 49 states (Mississippi being the outlier). The rate of new cases of colorectal cancer […]

Otis Brawley MD With Latest Cancer Society Statistics

The American Cancer Society reported this week on progress in cancer survival. Here is their Medical Director, Otis Brawley MD, on the meaning of these findings. VIDEO

Ralph Snyderman From The Annual ASCO Meeting: Personalized Health Care Drives Progress In Cancer

Ralph Snyderman (ORIGINAL SOURCE) The American Society of Clinical Oncology is the leading professional organization committed to conquering cancer through research, education, prevention, and delivery of high quality patient care. Its Annual Meeting provides a forum where major advances in cancer are presented to its members consisting of over 30,000 physicians involved in all aspects […]

The Cancer Stem Cell: Unlocking the Key To A Cancer Cure

Mike Magee There are a few words in the English language that instigate fear and dread in all who hear them.  One such word is cancer.  Directly or indirectly, nearly all of us have experience with cancer, but our understanding from individual to individual varies greatly. We all certainly know that cancer cells are bad […]

Sun Facts: The Age of “Sunfusion”

Mike Magee We’re about to enter the sunny season, and for many it’s “sunfusion” – sunlight confusion. Is sun exposure good or bad? Let’s start here: Sun Beds (tanning salons) – bad.(1) But what about everyday natural sun? On the positive side: boosts Vitamin D (may protect against diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases), elevates […]

Of Candidates and Tanning

Why buying a tanning booth for the Alaskan governor’s mansion is a bad idea This week we learned that VP candidate Sarah Palin had installed a tanning booth in the Governor’s Mansion in Alaska. When the news broke, the first to react were the Tanning Booth Association advocates. Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy said: […]

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