
Exploring Human Potential

The Coffee Fix

How is coffee affecting your life?Is coffee part of your daily routine? If it is, you are like millions of Americans, who start their day with a cup – or two or three – of coffee. But even if it’s part of your daily routine, it makes sense to stop and ask a few questions. […]

Energy Drinks

Why they are bad news for your healthHad a so-called “energy drink” lately? If so, you are like millions of Americans, who make these liquids a part of their weekly diet. In terms of product growth, the story of energy drinks is quite amazing. They are a $3.4 billion a year industry that grew by […]

When to Say “When” with Caffeine

How do you get yourself going in the morning? Are you a coffee drinker? Maybe soda does it for you? If you’re lucky, you might not need any caffeine at all, but for so many, that’s just not the case. Caffeine is part of our daily routine, and beverage manufacturers are finding new ways to […]

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