
Exploring Human Potential

Leveraging Technology to Transform Health Care

A new hope for living to our fullest human potentialIn recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about using technology to help manage disease and disability and to help older Americans “age in place.” But starting with the White House Conference on Aging in 2005, a new dialogue began to emerge, one that […]

We Need Geriatric Competence

Will there be enough caregivers for our aging population? The long-expected upsurge in the number of older Americans is almost here. The first baby boomers will turn 65 in 2011. By 2030, there will be more than 70 million adults over 65, nearly double the number today. Oftentimes, older age requires more frequent and regular […]

Safe Driving For Seniors

Why in-person driver’s license renewal might be a good ideaMore than 40,000 Americans die each year in motor vehicle crashes. Many of the drivers involved in these crashes are senior citizens. Statistics show that motor vehicle fatality rates among senior drivers are on the rise, particularly for those drivers who are 85 or older.  According […]

Eldercare Technology

A Good Source Book When I present to clinical groups a vision of home-centered health care transformation, technology is always front and center as a lever to trip the health care system toward re-orientation and reform. Why? Because of the power of virtual connectivity, individual and family empowerment, and re-centering health care on the home […]

Staying Well Past 90

Most of what matters can be managed Having hit 60, and with 3 adorable grandaughters, and potentially 4 more on the way, I’m motivated to control my "Personal Disease Burden" so that I might physically participate in life, and still have my "wits about me" past age 90. A new study of 2,300 healthy men […]

Keeping up with Technology and Health

CAST – – a great resourceOne of the great health technology resources that exists organizationally is the Center for Aging Services Technologies. Check out the web site at Their e-publication, Tech Time, coordinated by CAST Chairman Eric Dishman, is filled with useful information, contacts and hotlinks that reinforce how quickly our world is […]

Candidates Should Read Dr. David Reuben’s Article

Better care for older persons means better care for all of us Dr. David Reuben from UCLA penned an article in JAMA in December, 2007 that all Presidential candidates should read. In two concise pages he shares six principles that he sees as essential in providing "optimal health care delivery for older persons with chronic disease." […]

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