
Exploring Human Potential

Testimony to Senate Aging Committee: National e-Care Plan Needed Now

 Eric Dishman This week, almost 6 years to the day of giving similar testimony to the same Senate Special Subcommittee on Aging, I had the opportunity on behalf of theContinua Health Alliance ( to reflect on the persistent barriers that prevent the widespread implementation of telehealth, aging-in-place, and what Continua calls “e-care” (for “electronic care”) technologies. In this […]

Eric Goes To Washington: “Think Big” as We Engage Patients & Families in a Healthcare System for the 21st Century

  Eric Dishman Intel Fellow  Next week is an “Eric Goes to Washington” adventure, where I have the honor of testifying before the Senate Special Committee on Aging about “aging-in-place” technologies and policies. I also have the great opportunity to testify before the Health IT Policy Committee on the use of health IT for patient and family […]

Worried About Aging? Look Below The Skin At Lysosomes.

Mike Magee MD Video: Press  Here When most of us worry about aging, we look at our reflection in the mirror, and see what’s going on above the skin. But recent discoveries tell us that aging may be all about what’s going on below the skin, and inside our cell factories.1 It’s becoming clear that […]

Human Growth Hormone and Aging

What you need to know about HGHHGH is a large, complex protein molecule made up of 191 amino-acid building blocks. It’s produced in the pituitary gland, a peanut-sized organ in the base of the brain. Scientists first began to focus on the growth hormone in the early 1940s as they struggled to understand and help […]

Aging Teeth Need Fluoride

A look at oral health for seniors When most of us think of fluoride in the water and tooth decay, we think of kids. But the American Dental Association is raising the alarm that there is an equal risk of tooth decay on the other end of the age spectrum. Why is this the case? […]

Long Term Care Insurance

Is it a good idea? With Baby Boomers aging and all Americans living longer lives, the question of long-term care is on a lot of people’s minds. You may be surprised to know that the average cost of one year in a nursing home now exceeds $70,000. Even more daunting, though, is the fact that […]

Wii in the UK

A good example of techmanityI’ve been making the case for “Techmanity” – technology embraced by health care professionals as a human connector and humanizing force. If you’d like a concrete example, and need to put a bit of a smile on your face today, take a look at this piece from the UK on seniors […]

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