
Exploring Human Potential

A Publication Worth A Look: “Age in Action”

Dr. Ed Ansello, Director of the Virginia Center on Aging, recently shared with me the 2011 issue of Age in Action. This quarterly publication has twice been judged to be the best aging-related newsletter in the South and reaches an estimated 20,000 readers. This issue contains a number of excellent articles. There’s a helpful piece […]

Slaying The “Death Panel” Bull: Taking Control of Your End-of-Life Decisions

Mike Magee This Saturday, April 16, 2011 is National Healthcare Decisions Day – a day set aside to encourage families throughout America to discuss with each other how much care and what kind of care they would like as they approach the end of their lives.(1)  Why advanced planning? Because there is a good chance […]

When It Comes To End-Of-Life Decisions, Which Of These Two Women Do You Trust?

Mike Magee When 2008 GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin came out with her “death panels”, most of us who had worked with and advocated for “Living Wills”, “Advanced Directives” and end-of -life discussions never thought she would be taken seriously, even though there was a past history to this distortion.(1) We thought the governor’s remarks […]

Cost 0f Long Term Care: State by State

Click on the map below for a state by state read of the cost of long term care such as nursing homes, assited living and at home services.

Is It Time For Gina Kolata To Hang Up Her Spikes?

Mike Magee Gina Kolata, science reporter for the New York Times since 1987, is one month younger then me. I turn 63 this January 20th. We both like sports and medical science. She studied molecular biology at MIT and received a masters degree in Mathematics from the University of Maryland. I studied medicine and learned […]

The Hype and The Hope of “mHealth”

Eric Dishman Another day, another flyer arrives for a seminar on “mHealth.” One that showed up in my mailbox this week is typical: high-gloss images of mobile phones and heart signals, celebratory claims about how all of this will “revolutionize” healthcare, and liberal use of the words “innovation” and “transformation” in almost every keynote title. […]

Should New York State’s Medical Society Oppose Mandated End-Of-Life Discussions With Patients?

Mike Magee Nearly 30 years ago, when the consumer health movement began in earnest, health professionals responded with extreme caution, concerned that their authority and control over patients and the health care system would ultimately be challenged. To the credit of most doctors, nurses and health care leaders, caregivers have evolved, accepting that the best […]

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