
Exploring Human Potential

Advanced Professionalism Discussed At University of North Carolina

Today Mike Magee will present the concept of “Advanced Professionalism” at the Annual Nathan Womack Surgical Meeting at the University of North Carolina. He will be reviewing the materials included in the curriculum in our “Collections” section, including those listed in the attached slide.

Health Professional Collaboration Inside and Outside The Hospital

Mike Magee Ten days ago, my wife and I were blessed with the arrival of our 8th and 9th grandchildren – two little girls, Charlotte and Luca. We were also introduced for the first time, as health consumers, to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The girls came early, at 34 weeks, and are working […]

My Holiday Gift To You: Advanced Professionalism

Mike Magee What an eventful year it has been for HealthCommentary. In reflecting back on the many concepts and visions we have shared together – universal access married to individual and family responsibility for health; Techmanity  (technology that humanizes); “Home is where the health is, as well as the heart.”; the 13 part series on […]

Has Techmanity Become a Major Component of Advanced Health Professionalism?

Here’s the question: Can technology advance compassion, understanding, partnership and professionalism? Parallel studies of large cohorts of patients and their physicians in the late 90’s in the U.S., U.K., Germany, South Africa, Japan and Canada revealed consistent agreement on the primary definers of a successful patient-physician relationship. They were compassion, understanding and partnership. Patients also […]

Absent Joy, Can Medicine Sustain Professionalism?

Eli Ginzberg PhD (1911 – 2002) Here’s the question: Is is possible to sustain professional behavior in a setting that is incapable of supporting personal and professional growth, and a system where money trumps joy most of the time? Last week, I had the opportunity to spend two days at the University of North Carolina […]

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