
Exploring Human Potential

EHR’s: Healthy Relationships, Not Health Records

Eric Dishman It’s been eleven years since my Intel colleague, John Sherry, and I first did some fieldwork studying physician practices and hospitals that were in the throes of choosing, installing, and/or experiencing EHRs (electronic health records) for the first time. Most interesting to me of these studies has been when we could get in […]

“Race To The Top” for Health Care: Could Don Berwick Be Our Arne Duncan?

Mike Magee MD In July, 2009, as the battle remained fully engaged on a legislative fix for health care reform, a very different approach to educational reform was announced in Washington. The United States Department of Education released the draft priorities, requirements, definitions and selection criteria for the $4.35 billion “Race to the Top” grant […]

Will Google Deliver a Killer Health Application?

Will Google deliver a killer health application? Who knows? Neil Versel, of Fierce EMR, weighed in on June 3rd with this post: “Google is denying a report by an industry analyst that it is giving up on its much-hyped but little-used Google Health PHR. ‘The project is alive and well from a staffing perspective,” an […]

“Race to the Top” for Health Care: Who will be our Arne Duncan?

Mike Magee MD In July, 2009, as the battle remained fully engaged on a legislative fix for health care reform, a very different approach to educational reform was announced in Washington. The United States Department of Education released the draft priorities, requirements, definitions and selection criteria for the $4.35 billion “Race to the Top” grant […]

Congressional Hearing: Aging in Place and New Technology

Testimony to Senate Aging Committee: National e-Care Plan Needed Now

 Eric Dishman This week, almost 6 years to the day of giving similar testimony to the same Senate Special Subcommittee on Aging, I had the opportunity on behalf of theContinua Health Alliance ( to reflect on the persistent barriers that prevent the widespread implementation of telehealth, aging-in-place, and what Continua calls “e-care” (for “electronic care”) technologies. In this […]

Testimony to Health IT Policy Committee on the use of health IT for patient and family engagement

Eric Dishman  Verbal testimony delivered today in Washington DC: “I am honored to testify today about using health IT to facilitate more patient and family engagement in our own health, wellness, and care. My social science career has spanned almost 20 years of doing R&D of patient engagement technologies. These past 11 years, I have […]

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