Trump and Vance: We Need to Finish This Drama and Undress These Actors.
Mike Magee “Chance made the situation; genius profited from it,’ says history. But what is chance? What is genius?” Leo Tolstoy from “War and Peace”, 1867. Trump and Vance wasted little time embarrassing America today. Following the game plan of “Professional Wrestling” they did their best to bully […]
Shocking: The Story of the AED in 2025.
Mike Magee The leaders of America’s scientific community seem genuinely surprised by the actions of the past three weeks. They expected to be spared the wrath of Trump because they believed that “Americans of all political persuasions have respect for science and celebrate its breakthroughs.” Maybe so. But that is an inadequate defense against a […]
Is Musk Writing His Own Super-Hero Story?
Mike Magee A lot can happen in the blink of an eye. You can lose everything. Your name, your reputation. But they can be replaced… by determination, strength, empathy, faith… A renewed sense of how blessed you are just to be alive. To have people who love you, care for you, but that only happens […]
Is Disruption The Same As Innovation? Check “X” for No and “XX” for Yes.
Mike Magee “The technological leaps of the 1900s — microelectronics, antibiotics, chemotherapy, liquid-fueled rockets, Earth-observing satellites, lasers, LED lights, disease-resistant seeds and so forth — derived from science. But these technologies also spent years being improved, tweaked, recombined and modified to make them achieve the scale and impact necessary for innovations.” Jon Gertner, author of “The Idea […]
Physician Says Aloud to House of Medicine: “Silence is not an option.”
In 2018, during Trump’s first assault on Medicine’s compassion, understanding and partnership, The House of Medicine stood tall. Will they this time around? Virginia Commonwealth University’s’s Steven H. Woolf MD, MPH asks that question today in JAMA. It deserves a careful read HERE. Here is a taste of his insightful commentary (“How should Health Care […]
“Fork” in America’s Road.
“On September 9, 1966, around 200 people gathered in the White House Rose Garden as President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Motor Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Highway Safety Act. President Johnson told them that nearly three times as many Americans had died in traffic accidents in the 20th century as died […]