
Exploring Human Potential

“Off the Record, Mike, What’s Pelosi Doing in a Few Bullet Points?”

Posted on | July 10, 2024 | 4 Comments

An imagined conversation drawn from a compilation of real discussions with multiple individuals that occurred over the prior 48 hours. Mike Magee


OK. But not to be attributed to me.

  1. Speaker Emerita Pelosi this morning (on MSNBC) signaled the timing (after the NATO summit) and outcome (Biden pulls out of the campaign) for the good of America and the Democratic Party.
  2. Pelosi’s imagined private discussion with the President:  Joe, by next week it will come out that you have known you have Parkinson’s for over a year.  Trump has put a hold on ads under the banner ‘Cover-Up by Deep State’.
  3. Pelosi’s Next Step:  Joe, this is time for your ‘George Washington move.’ You need to control and exercise your own exit as patriotic and on behalf of our nation (in contrast to Trump’s recklessness). As you exit, you can emphasize your full confidence in the Democrats’ deep bench – most especially women leaders in this post-Roe period.
  4. Pelosi on Legacy:  In return for your sacrifice, Joe, your legacy will be secure, and you will be recorded in history for all time as the savior of our Democracy.
  5. Pelosi response to, “Yes, but I’m the best for the job.”  Joe, the reason that Trump and the RNC have gone quiet is that they want to run against you. You’re the greatest politician I know. Why do you think they would do that? Don’t play into their hands. Take control of your future, our future, and the future of American Democracy.

OK, Nancy, but here’s what I want in return. . . (Pelosi response: No problem, Joe. You’ve earned it!)


4 Responses to ““Off the Record, Mike, What’s Pelosi Doing in a Few Bullet Points?””

  1. Mary Stratton
    July 11th, 2024 @ 5:22 pm

    Who is the author of this, and is it interpreting an actual discussion or a proposed discussion. 👎🏿

  2. Mike Magee
    July 12th, 2024 @ 11:46 am

    Mike Magee is the author, and this is an imagined conversation drawn from a compilation of real discussions with multiple individuals that occurred over the prior 48 hours.

  3. Lawrence Williams
    July 13th, 2024 @ 1:08 pm

    Hey Michael. Is there true medical evidence that President Biden does in fact have Parkinson’s?
    Thanks my friend and a big hug for you and Patricia, two of the best kids I ever knew!!

  4. Mike Magee
    July 14th, 2024 @ 11:15 am

    Hi Larry-
    No public commentary on this. But I think most agree that this diagnosis best explains the symptom complex – progressive gait disturbance, soft voice, masked face, etc. The issue was fully aired after some evasion by the White House regarding a neurologist’s (who is a specialist in Parkinson’s) repeated White House visits, and heavily aired pieces of specialists on TV ( claiming it was “an easy diagnosis from across the room.” As with many Presidents throughout history (, incomplete sharing of Presidential maladies has been the rule rather than the exception.
    Best, Mike

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