
Exploring Human Potential

The “final, final, final” Final Battle of Donald Trump.

Mike Magee We now are two days away from the “final, final, final” Final Battle of Donald Trump. One year ago, the former President, now convicted felon, promised his supporters in Columbus, Georgia that his recently announced bid for the presidency was “the final battle” against “corrupt forces” and the “Deep State” which was being […]

Healthy Women Mean a Healthy Democracy.

Mike Magee When he assumed the role on June 13, 2023, Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH focused on inequities in health care as a top priority for his year in office. In a memorable opening that day in Chicago, the Wisconsin anesthesiologist shared a personal mission with 700 AMA delegates centered on his then 4 […]

What Are The Alitos Afraid Of?

Mike Magee What’s up with the Alitos these days? Justice Sam weighed in with a tip of the hat toward “godliness,” while a seemingly unhinged flag-flying Martha-Ann invited the world inside their marriage, declaring “He never controls me.” Good to know. Making it clear that her visceral reaction to a neighbor’s PRIDE flag was faith-based, […]

“Mr. Trump, I was Superman. You are no Superman!”

With Christopher Reeve/ Sept.25, 2002 Mike Magee As we approach the 20th anniversary of the death of Christopher Reeve, I’m drawn back to the evening of September 25, 2002, and a private conversation in a back room off the ballroom of the Marriott Marquis Hotel. As we awaited the ceremonial beginnings of the Christopher Reeve […]

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