
Exploring Human Potential

The GOP Has Become the Party of Theocrats, and Samuel Alito Is their High Priest.

Mike Magee  In the realm of historical fiction, Justice Alito and his GOP supporters have proven themselves masterful.  The 7 to 2 decision (with Alito and Thomas in opposition) to leave the FDA alone for now with jurisdiction over the safety and efficacy of Mifepristone, does little to reassure that these Theocrats are men of […]

The GOP Wants To Manage Your Miscarriage – You Good With That?

Mike Magee Twenty years ago, I headed up a social science think-tank focused on defining the role of the patient-physician relationship in well-functioning democracies. In six countries (including the U.S., UK, South Africa, Germany, Japan, and Canada), our studies revealed a rapidly evolving relationship – one moving toward mutual decision making and team approaches to […]

Coverture – The Word You May Not Know But Should.

Mike Magee All eyes were on Wisconsin – not last week, but in 1847. That’s when Wisconsin newspaperman and editor of the Racine Argus, Marshall Mason Strong, let loose in a speech on the disturbing trend to allow women the right to buy and sell property. It seems the state had caught the bug from […]

The Two Marks of “Repugnancy” – Trump and Dobbs.

Mike Magee This week’s very public indictment of former President Donald Trump was a substantial moment in American history, as much for what it wasn’t (a bloody spectacle as Trump had predicted) as for what it was (an opportunity for the likes of Senator Lindsey Graham to tearfully beg FOX viewers for donations, not for […]

The Indictment of Donald Trump: Does It Signal A Course Correction For America’s Legal System?

Mike Magee Former President Donald Trump’s indictment this morning reinforces most Americans’ belief that “No man is above the law.” But few of us have taken the time to explore what that statement means when it comes to building a healthy nation, and why we believe it. How do you create a healthy nation?  This […]

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