
Exploring Human Potential

The Most Important Builder of the House of Medicine You Never Knew.

Mike Magee Medical History is just not fair. What other conclusion can you draw from the thousands of references and citations featuring Philadelphia physician Benjamin Rush and his wild ideas on how to heroically treat Yellow Fever in 1793, but likely never heard of Dr. John Henry Rauch. The former signed the Declaration of Independence […]

Ecology Rescued the AMA and Medical Professionalism Beginning in 1870.

Mike Magee The results of their 1851 survey of 12,400 men from the eight leading U.S. colleges had to be shocking. The AMA was only four years old at the time and being forced to acknowledge a significant lack of public interest in a physician’s services. This in turn had caused the best and the […]

What A Month For Big Pharma As Biden Triggers Congressional Cooperation.

Mike Magee In President Biden’s State of the Union Address, the most oft repeated phrase was “Let’s Finish The Job!” This came as part of an appeal for partnership as well as an assertion that in his first two years as President much had been accomplished. Last week, with some fanfare, The President announced Lilly […]

American Medicine: Off On The Wrong Track From The Beginning.

Mike Magee When your focus is on the History of Medicine, it is natural to think that every story will center on the rise of the Medical profession, or the hospital industry, or breakthroughs in pharmaceuticals. But the reality is, as sociologist Paul Starr suggested, “The development of medical care, like other institutions, takes place […]

Understanding America’s Unhealthy Beginnings: 1826.

Mike Magee Historians of 19th century America have well-documented that, as compromised as our population’s health was at the birth of our nation, it deteriorated markedly between 1830 and 1860. Those clearly at greatest risk were enslaved Blacks, forcibly relocated native Americans, and subjugated women. But entitled white male citizens also experienced significant declines in […]

What Scientists And Historians Understand: No Truth, No Progress.

Mike Magee “This too will pass, honey!” That’s what my mother used to say when any of my eleven brothers and sisters or I seemed to be overwhelmed by whatever. And largely, now, three quarters of a century since my birth, she was mostly right. Whether in personal lives or the life of our nation, […]

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