
Exploring Human Potential

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Attacks On Women By Two Different Dobbs.

Mike Magee Under the definition for the noun, epidemic, there are two main (and distinctly different) definitions. I know this fact because it was the beginning point of my preparations earlier this summer for a Fall course on “The History of Epidemics in America” at the Presidents College at the University of Hartford.  The entry […]

When it comes to American Epidemics, It Is As Much About Us As It Is the Microbes We Encounter.

Mike Magee Epidemics don’t appear in isolation of geography, social status, race or economics. In a recent Kaiser Family Foundation article, the authors reviewed case numbers and death rates organized by race/ethnicity. It will come as no surprise that the most vulnerable population’s death rate is nearly three times greater than the least vulnerable. But […]

My Fictional Day At The Beach With Lindsey Graham.

Mike Magee Senator Lindsey Graham (R.,S.C.) is on summer recess. A consummate professional politician, and war hardened lawyer, Sen. Graham has made a career out of flipping on a dime. His moral calculus has been flexible enough to wiggle and weave, and switch sides if cornered.  In my dreams, I caught a glimpse of him […]

Monday in America – Message on Positive Leadership from Karen Katen.

Mike Magee With President Biden’s positive leadership at home and abroad, our nation this Monday morning in August, appears to be turning the corner. While clearly not out of the woods yet, we Americans and our form of government has withstood a serious stress test, one led by a rogue leader and a party (unlike […]

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