
Exploring Human Potential

Mark and Sheryl’s “Meta”-Mania.

Mike Magee At the 2010 World Economic Forum, marketing powerhouse Fleishman-Hillard reported that “3 out of 5 chief executives believe their corporate brand and reputation represent more than 40% of their company’s market capitalization.” But what happens when your brand becomes synonymous with misbehavior, dishonesty, deceit, and deception? For C-suites behind the management curve, or […]

Trust Versus Secrecy – TSMC vs. Pfizer in Pandemic Times.

Mike Magee This week’s Tom Friedman Opinion piece in the New York Times contained a title impossible to ignore: “China’s Bullying Is Becoming a Danger To The World and Itself.” The editorial has much to recommend it. But the item that caught my eye was Friedman’s full-throated endorsement of Taiwan’s “most sophisticated microchip manufacturer in […]

The Lone Star State Battling Cry – “Divest in Texas.”

Mike Magee re·vanch·ism /rəˈvän(t)SHˌizəm/ noun a policy of seeking to retaliate, especially to recover lost territory. “a recipe for deep future resentment, revanchism and renewed conflict” _______________________________________________________ Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been on a tear lately, and his central theme appears to be “revanchism.” Faced with declining demographics, he is retaliating against enemies and […]

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