
Exploring Human Potential

Is Health Tech Firing On Too Many Cylinders?

Mike Magee What will be the lasting impact of the Covid 19 pandemic? We still don’t know the answer to that question in full. But one thing that can be said with some certainty is that it has strengthened the hand of Big Tech and all things virtual. Consider the fact that within the Biden […]

American Science’s “Odd Couple” – Dr.’s Koop and Fauci.

The following 5-part series is excerpted from an as yet unpublished history of 20th Century medicine in the United States by Mike Magee MD. PART I: The Conversion of C. Everett Koop On the day after Ronald Reagan’s election, Christian conservative Jerry Falwell was euphoric. As he said, “I knew that we would have some […]

The U.S. Medical Industrial Complex Had a Role In The Wuhan Covid Catastrophe.

Mike Magee The truth hurts. Eighteen months into a disaster that has claimed 3.5 million lives around the globe, the truth is seeping out. Human error likely caused the Covid pandemic, and America’s Medical-Industrial Complex was right in the middle of it. Signs of a “great awakening” have emerged from various corners in the month […]

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