
Exploring Human Potential

Moderna – The Upstart That Digitized the Pharma Field.

Mike Magee As the saying goes, “Time is money.”  When it comes to breakthrough innovation, time is also a marker or measure of success. Let’s take for example, Moderna, an upstart in the world of biomedical science, dwarfed by the giants in the industry, household names like Pfizer, Merck, and J&J – and the subject […]

Laying Lies To Rest: The Pandemic Playbook.

Mike Magee When awakening from a long sleep, there is a transition period, when the brain struggles momentarily to become oriented, to “think straight.” When the sleep has extended four years, as with the Trump reign, it takes longer to clear the sleepy lies from your eyes. We are emerging, but it will take time […]

We Must All Swim Together for Cross-Racial Solidarity.

Mike Magee “…honest self-examination is a critically important step to better understanding ourselves, to heal old wounds, and to take corrective actions to address ongoing societal harms.” These were not the words of a member of Congress in the wake of the January 6 insurrection, nor the incantations of a religious leader appealing to a […]

The Seeds To Plant Now to Assure Vaccine Success.

Mike Magee In the wake of Pearl Harbor, FDR found our nation ill prepared for war. He lacked manpower and tools. In response, he took deliberative action with the support of Congress, drafting soldiers and redirecting supply chains toward weapons of war. Compliance was requested, then demanded. Those industries that served, including Pfizer with penicillin […]

Join Me, Wednesday, May 5th. “The Constitution and the Right to Health Care.”

Mike Magee MD May 5th seems far into the future with the pandemic still raging, distressing images of insurrection and a 2nd Impeachment fresh and current, and relief checks “in the mail.” But Spring is coming! So I hope you’ll reserve May 5, 2021, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM, for a fascinating online lecture: “The […]

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