
Exploring Human Potential

25th Amendment Was Openly Discussed Over Three Years Ago.

Mike Magee Three years ago, I taught a fully subscribed course at the Presidents College at the University of Hartford on the 25th Amendment. My exploration that year was triggered by a series of articles initiated by New York Times conservative columnist, Ross Douthat. On May 16, 2017 he wrote “The 25th Amendment Solution for […]

There Is No Safe Haven for Patients in the Privatized U.S. Health Care System.

Mike Magee TIME correspondent Karl Vick, in an article titled “What Happens When Amazon Takes on Health Care”, in February, 2018, wrote:  “The U.S. health care system is the antithesis of Silicon Valley.” But is it really?  Vick was referring then to the formation of a new, as yet unnamed non-profit joint venture between Jeff […]

How Is Your State Doing With The Covid Vaccine?

Data Source: Washington Post

CDC Interactive State Covid Vaccine Map.

First Post of 2021 – The Pledge and Allegiance.

  Access Image HEREData Source – Washington Post Mike Magee Our new year has arrived. And Covid has more than confirmed the central tenet of “Code Blue” – there is no national health system in America, and little evidence of one “indivisible” nation. Rather we rely on a profit-driven Medical Industrial Complex that is committed […]

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