
Exploring Human Potential

Mass Vaccination – We’ve Been There Before.

Mike Magee Children of this era, decades from now, will recall a pandemic and their experiences with vaccines, in the same manner as citizens of my age recall the polio vaccine campaigns in the 1950’s. While my generation was less informed on the science than our counterparts today, we had three advantages: National administrative leadership […]

Justice Is A Complicated Affair, Dr. Barrasso.

Mike Magee Dr. John Barrasso, 1996, source/Spencer Books “We’re better than this” is the common refrain heard from many political leaders following the deadly assault on our democracy on January 6th. Are we really? One year ago, my physician friend, Senator John Barrasso, famously said, “The time for political stunts is over. The Senate had […]

MLK (1967) to Biden (2021).

(a caution) “We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked, and […]

Latest State COVID Cases/Deaths/Vaccine Rates

Access Spread Sheet Data Data Source: Washington Post, 1/20/21

What MLK Said To President Biden on April 4, 1967.

Mike Magee Yesterday (in honor of Martin Luther King Day), and today (in prepartion for the Inauguration of our new President), I listened and re-listened to Dr. King’s famous Vietnam Speech at the Riverside Church in New York City on April 4, 1967. I remembered this speech as a turning point in my sophomore year […]

Latest State Covid Case/Deaths/Vaccine Rates

Data Source: Washington Post 11/13/21

The Pathway Back.

Marc Porter Magee, CEO, 50-CAN Mike Magee “We’re better than this” is the common refrain heard from many political leaders following the deadly assault on our democracy on January 6th. We here empty appeals for blind appeasement from the likes of Kevin McCarthy in the interest of “bringing our country together.” But for those who […]

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