
Exploring Human Potential

Thanks and Remembrance: The Polio Volunteers.

With my sister, Pat – “Polio Volunteer.” Mike Magee With vaccines and new leadership now on the horizon, it’s useful to acknowledge that this is not our first pandemic. Of course there was the 1918 flu, but before that – and for many years  after – there was polio. Two years into his first term […]

As Crisis Hits, Women in the Lead – While Compensation Lags.

Mike Magee This morning, we witnessed the unusual appearance on network television of two national leaders of the professions of Nursing and Medicine, Dr. Susan Bailey (President, AMA) and Debbie Hatmaker (Chief Nursing Officer, ANA) – both women – appearing in tandem and together, describing the nation’s condition as “very grim” and “quite stark.” As […]

Silver Bullets Do Not A Health System Make.

Mike Magee As Americans cover-up against second and third waves of Covid-19, Americans once again place their hopes and prayers on a great scientific discovery to snatch us from the flames. The latest miracle cure, a hoped for Pfizer vaccine that appears to be highly efficacious and anxiously awaits safety data, may in fact provide […]

“This Is No Ordinary Time”, says Jesuit Magazine “America.”

Mike Magee “In ordinary times, the debate about presidential candidates can be a healthy and spirited exchange about how Catholics should approach their civic duties. But this is no ordinary time.” America The Jesuit magazine, America, on September 20, 2020, broke its historic neutral tradition and supported Joe Biden for the Presidency. Their rationale was as […]

A Useful Distraction. An Hour With Gro Harlem Brundtland.

VIEW INTERVIEW Mike Magee As each of us, in our own way, waits for the final results of the 2020 US Presidential contest, patience is demanded, and a useful distraction may be helpful. Let me recommend this 1 hour interview by UC Berkeley’s Harry Kreisler of one of my Public Health heroes, Gro Harlem Brundtland.  […]

My Father – Doctor, Republican, and Catholic – would never vote for Trump in 2020!

Mike Magee “You know, our doctors get more money if someone dies from COVID. You know that, right?” Trump asked the crowd in Michigan last Friday, October 30, as he laid the blame for nearly a quarter million Covid deaths at the feet of our nation’s health professionals. Susan Bailey, president of the AMA, in a […]

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