
Exploring Human Potential

Could Bezos and Amazon Help America Build An Accessible, Affordable and Effective National Health Care System.

Mike Magee This past week I spent an hour with THCB’s Matthew Holt and Jessica DaMassa discussing everything CODE BLUE – how and why it came to be, and where it directs us as Covid-19, global warming, and rising income inequality bear down on our nation. In the final ten minutes of the THCB Book […]

We’ve Built National Health Care Systems Before.

Mike Magee Health care reform in America is now the path we must travel to uncover our own “exceptionalism.” It won’t be easy, but we’ve been there before. Health care, fundamental to rebuilding a nation and its culture from scrap, was what drove the military’s decision under the Marshall Plan in 1947. In the re-build of […]

“We Give People Light, and They Will Find The Way.”

SHARE/LINK:  HERE Mike Magee In the Jennifer Hudson/Black Eyed Peas campaign video remixing “Where is the Love?”, Joe Biden mirrors the famous words of Civil Rights legend Ella Baker, “Give people light and they will find the way.” Health care reform in America is now the path we must travel to uncover our own “exceptionalism.” […]

Catholic Leaders – Can We All Agree On This?

Mike Magee My college roomate wrote me yesterday. We graduated from LeMoyne College, a Jesuit run institution in Syracuse, NY in 1969. Our four years together during the height of the Vietnam war were consumed with issues of social justice led by LeMoyne faculty including Daniel Berrigan, S.J..  My roomate wrote, “It breaks my heart to keep hearing about the hundreds of children being kept […]

ACA – A Ticking Time Bomb For Republicans.

Mike Magee Watching the Amy Conan Barrett hearings last week, I couldn’t help but wonder who exactly was running the Republican Death Star at the moment. Specifically the Supreme Court candidate’s vulnerability based on an outspoken disdain for the ACA seemed to release a quiet, below-the-surface, Democratic  scream “Go ahead. Make our day!” For nearly […]

Nature Magazine: Trump has taken an axe to our Democracy.

Mike Magee A month ago, I catalogued the actions of the editorial boards of Scientific American and Science in their historic endorsements of Joe Biden for President. This week Nature magazine goes one step further in expressing regret for their statement of tolerance in 2016 when they wrote, “US democracy was designed with safeguards intended […]

“The Magnitude of this Failure is Astonishing.” – The NEJM Cluster.

Mike Magee “Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy.” …and that’s just the first paragraph. From the last paragraph: “Anyone else who recklessly squandered lives and money in this way would be suffering legal consequences. Our leaders have largely claimed […]

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